Data inundates our lives in practically every aspect, especially on a business level and has been classified
as ‘The New Oil’ of the Digital Economy. Therefore, knowing how to manage your company data is
becoming more and more important. Businesses may have tools with which to extract their data as well
as key performance indicators (KPI) they’re striving to achieve. Internationally, organisations are
searching for simple ways to report on their KPI’s and more importantly to communicate this in a
transparent manner that can best guide the business.
So then, how do we use data to drive the relevant actions that will help to achieve the business KPI’s?
One of the most effective and well-known strategies is implementing business dashboards. Similarly, to
the dashboard in your vehicle, a business dashboard is a customisable information management tool
that visually tracks, analyses and displays KPI’s, metrics and key data points in real time. A dashboard
enables one to monitor the health of a business, department or specific process.
A Business dashboard places one in the driving seat of their business!